A Year in Review - 2018 // Katie Marie Photography

2018, you were incredible.

no really, you were.

Where to even begin. My heart is so full. I didn’t think I’d get this emotional writing this post, but I sure as heck did.

As I sit here, tissues in hand, sobbing over the memories from the last 365 days, I can’t help but feel an immense amount of pride for what I’ve accomplished in 365 short days.

A little recap of what this year included:

Couples Photographed:   92
Weddings Captured:    24
Photos Delivered:   30,874
Coffee’s Drank:   600+
Emails Answered:   infinity + beyond
Sloths Met:   1 

Let’s just say - I’ve been hella busy. So busy that I had to buy an orthopaedic cushion for my butt because I spend so many hours on my computer editing. My glasses prescription has gone up from staring at a screen, and I’ve gained a few pounds from the late night editing snacks…. new year new me? Yeah right. Still gonna snack. Pass me the Doritos.

But on a serious note, words do no justice as to how grateful I am for this past year of my life. It has been, undoubtably, the best year I’ve had yet - and it’s only up from here.

My clients. Where on earth do I even begin with you. For starters, how about we ditch the word “client” in 2019 because to me, you feel more like family. From the moment I meet you at our initial meeting, to the planning, the engagement session, the wedding prep, all the way to the wedding day - it really gives me the opportunity to get to know you on such a deep and personal level, and for that, I am so thankful.

I mean, I’m in the room with you the entire day, basically. I’ve seen a lot, and learnt a lot too. I am the master boutonniere attacher, the ultimate dress do-er upper, the makeup touchup-er on the go, the professional train draper, and the endless box of tissues. Whatever you needed me for - I was there for you. You really get to know a bride when you have 5 minutes to leave for the ceremony and you’re asking me to shove my hand up your dress to help loosen your bustier because you can’t breathe and everyone has already left and I’m the last woman standing. Desperate times call for drastic measures. I gotchu boo. Let’s loosen that damn bustier together. Teamwork makes the dream work, we’ll have you breathing in no time. Yes - this is a true story.

Joking aside, I am so thankful for every single one of you. As I watch your families grow, I can’t help but feel attached to each and every one of you. I will be in your corner until the end of time, and your biggest fan. Thank you for bringing me along on this journey, and thank you for allowing me to capture these precious moments for you.

This is the part where you might want to grab some tissues.

Guaranteed, you’ll be bawling at 2:57. Press play for a highlight reel of some of my favourite moments captured this year.

But this year wasn’t just filled with capturing moments, there were some pretty major successes too.

This photo was chosen amongst thousands of entires for Photobug’s Best of 2018 Photo Round-Up.


There were thousands of image entries from all across the world submitted to Photobug Community for their #bestofeighteen round-up. I was thrilled to find out my photo was chosen alongside many other talented photographers all across the globe. The photo of Danielle & Cory’s Dundas Peak proposal captured the hearts of millions across the world, and it’s an honour to have been chosen amongst so many other talented artists. Feel free to check out the full post HERE over on Photobug.

My photos went “viral”, twice in one month.

Katie Silva - lxcn based - www.instagram.com:katiemariephotography_.jpg

June was by far the most exciting month of my career, and it hit me like a whirlwind. The first image you see on the left, was taken during my first wedding of the year. I was taking photos of the Bride coming down the aisle, and overheard Justin (groom pictured) crying profusely at the sight of his bride-to-be walking towards him. With only a second to spare, I quickly turned to grab a shot of him and capture this incredible moment. I remember seeing the preview pop up on the back of my camera screen and felt chills run through my whole body. I’ll never forget that moment, thinking to myself “this might be the most powerful image I’ve ever taken”.

Sure enough, the image was noticed a few months later by a blog called Love What Matters, and absolutely took over the internet. I woke up one morning to find my image featured on the Daily Mail, Daily Mail UK, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, ABC News, Fox NEWS, People Magazine, Western Journalism, The Independent… just to name a few.

Here’s some links to check out if you want to see some of the features, and listen to Justin + Sabrina’s beautiful story.

Link 1 - Link 2 - Link 3 - Link 4

Then, two weeks later, the nuggets had their debut.

Photographed on the right, is Stephanie & Brett Macoretta. This was during their engagement session back in the spring. Steph had mentioned she wanted to include nuggets in her photoshoot because she’s absolutely obsessed with them. I ran with the idea, and we ended up turning into a “maternity-type” shoot, only instead of a real baby, they we welcoming a food baby. It was hilarious, here’s a few funny shots from the session.

Psst.. this video posted to LadBible had over 1 million views. WHAT!


Sure enough, this one got picked up as well, and featured all across the internet, including it’s very own segment on The Doctor’s television show. See that video HERE.

It blew up so much, that McDonald’s even noticed. They reached out to Steph & Brett a few months before the wedding, offering up a Burger/Nugget bar for the wedding, totally complimentary of the Don' themselves. It was absolutely amazing. McDonald’s even made custom Photo Booth signs that said “Mr & Mrs McNugget 2018”. If that isn’t the coolest thing to happen to a nugget lovin’ couple, I don’t know what is.

Check out some of the photos of the nugget bar here:


Aside from all the features and international recognition, there were also a few personal achievements I’m quite proud of.


I realized the power of manifestation.

“What you think - you become.” - Buddha

Zack and I took a trip to California this summer to attend an Entrepreneur Conference. While we were out there, I asked if we could make a point to visit Joshua Tree National Park. For starters, this has been a dream of mine for a few years. As a photographer, a lot of the artists I look up to are based out in California and shoot in Joshua Tree quite often. I’d always add photos that inspired me to my dream board, and I told myself I’d make it out there one day to photograph the desert for myself. Sure enough, there we were, in 40 degree desert heat smack dab in the middle of July. Tripod in hand and a boyfriend who was ever so patient to let me spend all day in the blistering heat to document these moments, knowing how much it meant to me. As we were leaving, I looked at him and said “I’ll be back here to shoot a wedding. I know it. Just watch.”

Exactly one year from the day we visited Joshua Tree, I will be shooting my first ever Desert Elopement this summer, 2019.

I didn’t plan it. I was approached by a real life couple (who also live in Hamilton) planning a real life elopement, and I have the honour and privilege of documenting this for them.

That, my friends, is called manifestation. Think about where you want to get, and the universe will make it happen. This is single-handedly the most important thing I’ve learnt from 2018, that we have the power to create our own destinies.

So, with that said - I leave you this.

You have a new year ahead to make new memories, start new things, go new places. Immerse yourself in the moment, and love fully.

Thank you for an incredible year, and cheers to a new year filled with new opportunities.

I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store.
