Steph + Brett // Viral Chicken Nugget Engagement Shoot


Oh, boy. I've been putting off this blog post for a while because to be quite honest - I don't even know where to begin. 

If you've been following me for a while, you'd know that a few months ago some of my work absolutely blew up on the internet and I went viral.. twice... on two different occasions.. in ONE MONTH. 

Guys, not even kidding. Going viral once is huge, but twice in a month is bizarre. It still hasn't fully registered in my brain what exactly happened, but I'll try and summarize it as best as I can. 

Enter - Steph and Brett. 

Steph had contacted me the day of our shoot asking if it would be okay to bring some chicken nuggets and include them in the photos. Um - yes. Is this even a question? ABSOLUTELY YOU CAN. 

So, we ventured through downtown Hamilton, with nuggets, and created some magic. 

I instantly had an idea to do a mock-family shoot, but instead of a baby, it was a food baby. If you've ever seen the photos of expecting parents holding a little pair of baby shoes... you know exactly what I mean. THAT kind of image. So, sure enough, I got them to hold the nugget hand in hand like a little pair of shoes. 

Brett reenacted a proposal and even dropped to one knee, it was hilarious. They really played the part well - and it really showcased their personality (hilarious, and so unbelievably fun to be around). 

I got home, edited some shots, and posted them on social media. And then, things started to blow up. Like, really blow up... 

We're talking Daily Mail, Daily Mail UK, LadBible, Delish, Yahoo, MSN, basically any and every news source you can think of too. My. Photos. Were. EVERYWHERE!

Check it out. This LadBible video has over 1 million views on facebook... 1 million. Sorry, what? 


The coolest part of all - even McDonald's shared. I started tagging them, and soon enough my amazing followers started tagging them too. LadBible even tagged them and did a massive shout out. And, friends, McDonald's Canada CAME THRU. Check this out.


So, I've decided to share some more images from the full shoot. What a fun time this was. They were amazing to work with and I adore their funny personalities. I'm shooting their wedding too and guess what.... they plan on having a nugget bar. 

I absolutely love you guys - thanks for making this such a fun time. 

Check out some of the amazing articles here! Thank you to everyone who took the time to feature my work - I am eternally grateful!

UPDATE! The wedding happened, and McDonald’s donated a Nugget/Burger Bar. Check out the full post here :)